- We are having a fundraiser at Marty's Bar and Grill
on Friday, June 7, 2002. The fun starts at 5:30pm. Your $10 donation will
give you 2 free drinks and free pupus as well. So come out and support
your team!
- Thank you to all those that pledged us for
the trash-a-thon.
- Practice is now held at the Wettingale Field in
Dededo from Monday thru Friday at 6:45pm.
- A great man and our founder, Hal Shiroma has
sadly passed away. His presence on this earth will be greatly missed,
most especially on the Angels' sideline.
- The Hal's Mobil Angels would like to welcome Roland
San Nicolas to the team this year. Roland is an All-Star Offensive Lineman
who will finally bring youth to our line (thank GOD).
- Hey Champs! We are looking for your photos to post
on the site. Action photos, family photos, etc will be greatly
- Show your pride! Spread the news about angelfootball.com
For further information or if you would like to post
activities on this page contact williamada@hotmail.com